As you have probably guessed by now, I’ve been MIA for the past few weeks because my son has arrived! Bear Hunter Wulfsohn was born one day before his due date on July 4th at 9:37 pm weighing 8 lbs 7 oz and measuring 21.4″ long. He is a tall mini man and I am so in love with him. His birth was complicated and traumatic for the three of us, but after a two week stint in the NICU I couldn’t be happier that he is home and well. It has been the biggest physical, emotional, and psychological roller coaster of my entire life.
Three weeks old in Baby Wit
Four weeks in Splendid
Five weeks old in Petit Bateau
I am also thrilled to report that Bella June adores him too, and is enjoying her new role as big sister. I can’t believe my baby is six weeks old already! If you’d like to see him daily, you can follow his Instagram account @bearhunterwulfsohn.
p.s. I still love Bella June as much if not more for being so good about the big change at home.
Thank you all for following me along this journey. It feels great to be back!
xo BB
10 Things That Will Be In My Hospital Bag The Second Time Around – Glam York
04/05/2017 at 6:22 pm[…] my makeup bag now that I know what I know. Things are a little different this time, because after a less than ideal birth with my first son, I elected to have a scheduled c-section this time . I have never had any kind of surgery so I am […]
One Year – Glam York
07/25/2016 at 8:31 am[…] baby boy Bear Hunter turned one on July fourth! You can tell by the fact that I’m mentioning this three weeks […]