It is with mixed emotions that I share the news that we are moving! I’ve been relatively quiet on social media and here on this blog throughout the holiday season not only because I was spending some down time with family, but also because I’ve been busy getting our new home ready for my family to move in.
In just a few weeks, we will be moving out of our very first house, and honestly, it’s equal parts exciting and painful. Not just because packing up and moving with three kids under four is an Olympic event that I cannot quite wrap my head around just yet, but because I still love our current house and it makes me so sad to think that we will never come back. We brought home two babies to this house, and the thought of leaving it just stings in my chest. This house feels like home. My husband told me that “it’s our family and our memories that make our home feel like a home, it’s not the house,” and that perspective has been a tourniquet for my bleeding mama heart.
Perhaps I was not yet emotionally prepared to move when we made this decision, or perhaps I’ve just become so emotional since having babies. When we bought our first house, we had originally discussed moving when we had three children. We knew we wanted at least 3 kids, but since it took us years to have our first child, we did not anticipate that we would have two more so quickly. When our third baby was around 6 month old, my husband started sending me listings in the neighborhood we decided our second home would be and showing me houses but I just was not interested. We kept an eye on new homes that came on the market but went to no showings at all. All of that changed when I saw one particular house, and I said I would go take a look.
I loved it and Bryan did too, so we put an offer on it and promptly readied to list our current house. Our offer was accepted, and we accepted an offer on our current house less than two weeks after we closed on the new one. I use the term “new” loosely here, as the house was built in 1940. Like a true East Coaster, I love storied architecture and original charm and this house has just that. That kind of charm usually needs a little TLC, so the house is currently undergoing some light renovations (painting and floors) before we settle in. I will of course share the design process here so stay tuned if you’re into that sort of thing.
Long story short, this move happened a little sooner than we planned, and although I am sad to leave our current house, the way things have fallen into place have brought me peace. Bear starts Kindergarten in September, and because our new house is in the district where he is currently attending public-lotteried preschool, he will continue at the same school in the fall. In fact, all three of our children will be attending the same elementary school within walking distance of our home. I will miss being walking distance to Saks, but I guess my priorities have changed along with the season of life we are in. Big changes are always bittersweet, but I know we are very fortunate to be able to make this move for our family. It also doesn’t hurt that this change comes with a bigger closet.
Alison Manship
01/15/2020 at 9:17 pmBest of luck with your move! Can’t wait to see the design details! xx Ali
Brittni Brown
01/16/2020 at 5:28 pmThank you so much, Ali! xo