I have tried self tanners in the past and had given up hope that any brand would ever work for me. My skin is on the browner side of the spectrum thanks to my Mexicana mama, but I sometimes want a little more even color on my legs and face. After week 6 of quarantine, I caught a glimpse in the mirror and thought I had seen a ghost (maybe I’m being dramatic but I feel it). My complexion looked pale, and my legs looked like they hadn’t seen daylight in quite some time. Truth be told, they hadn’t. It was time to try again.
I finally found the best self tanner.
Isle Of Paradise Self Tanning Drops are the skincare product you must try before re-entering the world as your fresh faced formal self. The first time I added 6 drops to my moisturizer, I noticed a healthy, natural glow on my previously pasty face within an hour. For this product, waiting is key before putting on any other products. It goes on clear, and it doesn’t stain or transfer. I know this because I also tried applying it with my nighttime moisturizer before bed and my white pillowcase and sheets were mess-free. I didn’t prep much beyond washing my face with this gentle exfoliating cleanser. I also wash my hands immediately after application and have not noticed any color on my palms. These drops are the only self tanning product I have ever used that actually looks natural (not orange), finishes evenly, and is noticeable in a good way on my skin. It also smells great, feels like a water based serum on the skin, and boasts clean ingredients.
I put 10 drops in my body moisturizer, but did not notice as much of a difference on my legs as I did on my face. This could be due to the fact that my body is already noticeably darker than my face and perhaps I need the dark color (I used the medium drops). I’ve been reading some reviews that suggest using the drops for the face and the tanning water version for better results on the body.
Sephora just dropped this value set which includes the full size drops, an application mitt, and a half size bottle of the tanning water for just $6 more than the drops alone (the mitt by itself is $6.50). I just ordered the set and will report back on the water.
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