After testing more than I would care to admit, I have finally found the best night cream ever. I have combination skin that is sensitive to scents and freaks out with seasonal changes in climate. However this year, my night cream is pulling double duty.
As soon as the cold crept in, I started testing Shiseido Benefiance Wrinkle Resist24 Night Cream. I woke up the morning before my first night with tight, burning, flaking patches and some seriously parched skin. I reached for the jar and put a small amount of the cream on my driest patches. I then applied it generously to my entire cleansed face before bedtime. The next morning, I was flake free and even received compliments on my complexion while makeup-free at the gym. Within three days, my face was already the softest it’s been in years. I’d call that a win.
Get Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24 Night Cream here.
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