Today is National Winter Skin Relief Day, and if you’re a normal homo sapien living in record low temps, your skin is in need of a little TLC. Since we are frozen in an arctic tundra over here in on the East Coast, I’ve been amping up my arsenal and revisiting some old favorites.
Here are my picks for the 5 best products for winter skin relief.
The cold caused my eczema to flare up, and this moisturizing cream has completely kept it at bay. Best of all, it’s $10 and you can get it at any drugstore. I slather it on as soon as I step out of the shower and it keeps my skin soft and smooth all day.
This serum is the extra boost your skin needs. It also smells amazing, feels so soothing, and it works while you sleep. (c/o Kiehls).
Exfoliating is crucial always, but it’s particularly essential in the cold months. Dry, dead skin acts as a barrier between your fresh, glowy skin underneath and it prevents products from absorbing. I added this Kate Somerville ExfliKate trio treatment to my routine and it’s been a game changer.
This moisturizer will keep your face hydrated all day depsite dipping temps, but won’t clog your pores.
The one thing I miss most about my old Manhattan apartment is the steam heat. Now, the central heating in my house is drying my skin out as much as the frigid wind outside. If there was ever a season you must wear a night cream, it’s the winter. This one is the most hydrating and so gentle on sensitive skin.
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