Kimono: Free People. Shirt: Madeworn (similar here and here). Sunglasses: Alice + Olivia. Flares: Old, similar here. Clogs: Chanel. Ring: Madewell. Bag: Chanel. Lip: NARSĀ Lipstick in Heatwave.
I’ve been wearing this outfit more than I probably should these days, and I could not wait to share with you that my favorite kimono is back in stock in this ocean color. I wore it to Fashion Week, and I also wear it just mommying or even with pajamas. It’s so soft and light; perfect for these Indian summer days. I may get a backup since my toddler tore a hole in it when pulling on me the other day. If you’ve been mulling this one over, don’t wait. This color sold out last time and it probably will again because people like me are buying more than one.
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