Shirt: c/o JCPenney. Coat: J.O.A. (on major sale!). Pants: AG Jeans for A Pea In The Pod (non maternity version here). Hat: c/o L.L. Bean. Shoes: Giuseppe Zanotti (old, love this boot version). Sunglasses: Karen Walker. Bag: Chanel. Lip: NARS Lipstick in Heatwave.
The Pom hat trend is so fun and holiday chic. I wore it to shop for wreaths and to help my mom put up and decorate her tree, and it stayed put so nicely, I know I’ll be wearing it so much this season. Of note, this shirt is not maternity, it’s actually Juniors. When you’re pregnant, “boyfriend cut” is code for “this will fit you.” Gotta love that oversized tops are still going strong!
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